Wednesday, 22 June 2011

21 Days

It's been said that it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit. Now over the last 4 years, being involved in the rigorous academic program that basically took over my high school life, I've formed some pretty bad habits. Staying up until the wee hours of the morning finishing Chemistry labs and English essays, not having enough time eating breakfast, not exercising, not taking the time to get ready properly in the morning. Even on the weekends I would sleep late (or early... depending on how you look at it) just because my body was use to it, and i would wake up late having realized I just wasted half my day. I just wasn't taking care of myself in general focusing on academics during those 4 years.

So this summer I've taken on the 21 day challenge (and yes, I did just make it can't judge me for taking initiative). It's a challenge to just take initiative and take better care of your health. This challenge must consist on at least 2 goals: one physical and one mental (or emotional). It must be something that is done everyday for 21 days and it must be different from your regular schedule - the more different the better, just make sure it's doable  - it must also BENEFIT you!

My list begins:
  1. Wake up at 8-9am everyday
  2. Go to sleep from 11-12:30
  3. Do yoga everyday 30 - 50 min
  4. Drink at least 1.5L of water each day
  5. At least 5 min of meditation
  6. Eat breakfast
  7. Get fully dressed before breakfast (I've been living in my pj's since school ended)
  8. Reading for 1h
That's all I can think of at the moment and I think those are pretty basic things that are good habits to have! Well I hope that anyone reading can also try and take up this challenge. I will possibly be blogging about some of these goals such as the yoga and meditation. And maybe about my reading quests. And definitely about the end result and how I feel and if I was successful!

Wish me luck! and I wish anyone else doing this luck as well! :D

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